If you have any missing examples, dotfiles for other keyboard layouts or otherwise interesting stuff, feel free to mail derf at finalrewind dot org or just add it to the GitHub Wiki.
The configs of derf, the current feh developer. They set up vi-like key bindings for an obscure keyboard layout called "greedy". The themes are well hidden behind a bunch of shell aliases. keys, themes, zsh aliases
keys for the Neo2 keyboard layout.
EXIF support
Using --info
, you can easily display EXIF data inside feh.
feh --draw-tinted --info "exifgrep
'(Model|DateTimeOriginal|FNumber|ISO|Flash|ExposureTime|FocalLength.\\*)' %F
| cut -d . -f 4-"
ls mode
feh --list
outputs an ls-style image list with dimensions, image type et
- Approach by derf (zsh and symlinks)
- Approach by ecraven (bash, dmenu and exiv2)
- Sorting approach by Zachary Vance (bash and dmenu)
thumbnail mode
feh --thumbnails --index-info "%n\n%wx%h"
shows thumbnails with some information.
Clicking on a thumbnail launches the original image.